Monday, November 27, 2006

Laura Mulveys theory towards both women and men is definetly relevant to my own independent stud on Kidulthood, as I am focusing on the representation of female within the 21st century. Luara Mulvey refers to the male gaze, in which women are viewed as mere sex objects, this is definelty applied to my text 'Kidulthood', as female girls are witnessed preforming sexual acts upon men. The girl is placed in a devalued position, and in one scene is on her knees before the man, whilst she preforms oral sex. The positioning of this female onscreen highlights the authoritive/powerful representation of men, and enforces patriachial views/society. Furthermore refernce towards women as both whores/madonnas is aso necessarry within my own text. As well as this Mulvey focuses on Sigmeund Freuds own theories towards women. This can also be applied to the 'kidulthood' text as it offers explanation towards the delinquency witnessed within 'Kidulthood', as some of the main charcters we follow onscreen(Trevor), are from single parent families. This inturn emphasises contemporary scoiety, as an era of misguidance, lonilness, and conflict. Sigmeun Freuds theory represents that the children have lacked from an early stage his theoratical development in which it is necesary for the child to larn their own position within the family.
Laura Mulvey: Visual Pleasure And Narrative Cinema (1975)

Laura Mulvey focuses on the portrayal/use of women within cinema and on screen; Mulvey argues that women are viewed as mere sex objects, purley for the male gaze on screen, and segregates women into the category of both the 'madonnas', and 'whores'. This visual conception of the role of women onscreen, Mulveys argues, consequently allows males to indulge in their voyerustic pleasures. Mulvey's work also refers to the physchoanalysis of Sigmeund Freuds work, due to her strong Feminist viewpoint. Reference is paid to the patriachial society in which we live, and debates wether any representation of women will ever be free from male enforced values/ideologies. Mulvey also argues that lead roles are predominantly male, and as the viewer we are encouraged to identify with the male protagonist; Therefore as women are useually presented in films as objects of the male gaze/sex objects we as the audience are alos positioned in a masculine role,and therefore influenced to think from a male perspective.

Monday, November 13, 2006

3 Womens Adverts....

This first advert portrays women as both objects of the male gaze, and in a more sexualy active role; This is represented through the little amount of clothing worn, as well as this the women within the advert are all slim, and beautiful. It represents the men as more powerul, and dominant, and this in turn is what the women lust after, alongside the mere fact that the male wears lynx.

This advert represents women in a more active role, as it features a women diving; This already represents a social change, as women a re represented as more independent through driving. Furthermore, the women is also represented as the more intelligent sex, by sucessfully proving the males wrong within the advert and parking in a space they thought was a ridiculous concept. The women is also represented as a success through her bussiness like clothes, whereas the males where undermined.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Self Evaluation....

I feel I am definetly dedicated to the course, and have clearly analysed, as well as research my chosen independent study text. Iam continuously researching my topic, and have visited both the library and kept up to date with the news etc, in search of additional information. I am confident that I am achieving a good standard of work, as I am both genuinly interested in my chosen independent study topic; However I feel I could still dedicate more of my time to Media, and research my text more intensly, therefore I have begun to focus on media more, and use my spare time to research further, and improve my original ideas. As well as this I am trying to keep more up to date with my work, and keep up with deadlines for the course and work.


I feel I am definetly dedicated to the media studies course, as I am genuinely interested in all the topics and isues raised. However at times I feel my initial dedication to the subject can become slightly unfocused as I also have alot of coursework for art etc. However I need to begin to manage my time more carefuly and considerably, therfore I think I can majorly imrove the effort I put into my media studies course, and have begun to do so.

Punctuality: 2
I am always on time for when the media studies lessons have begun, although I have been late once in the past, and not been presence once due to being ill. Otherwise, I always make sure Iam present for my lessons with both mr.Bush and Mr.Munroe.

Submission and quality of homework:3

I do feel at times I have left some of the work I have submited till the last minute, but it is an aspect I am seriously trying to improve on. I read all the sheets and packs given in lesson, to alow me to gather more information in aid of my independent study. Although I still feel there is much room for improvement, I do always complete my work, as I know it is for my own benefit soley.

Ability to work independently:2
I thrive when working independently as I rely on myself purely to produce the work, however as well as this I rely on my self to complete work, and research in detail; I know that my own work is my own responsiblity and do not just produce work as I have been told to do so. I aim to research my work to the best of my ability, regardles wether it has been a homework task or not.

Quality of writing: 2
I feel I definetly research, and use apropriate media terminology within al aspects of my work. Iaim to incorporate factual analysis, as well as my own opinion the subject within my writing, and hope this eveidently shines through. However I also feel, that there is definetly room for improvement, and that I could use a wider variety if terminology instead of the terms I'm familiar with.

Organistaion Of Media Folder: 3
I feel I definelty need to aim to keep a more clear Media Folder, I need to make sure every sheet is annotated and filed in the correct order. However I do make sure al of my shets are kept in one destination, however they obviously need to be separated into the correct order.

Oral Contributions in Class:3

I don't feel recently that I have been contributing as well as I should be within lessons, I do have my own strong opinions and feel i should voice these more consistently. However the points I do make I feel are valid, and I enjoy debating alot within lessons; It makes it more interesting.

Standard of Module 5 blog: 3
I am proud of my module five blog, and have made recent changes to make the blog more presentable. However Iwould like to incorporate more pictures/videos onto my blog, and feel I should make more consistent posts. Overall I feel this blog, is both factual detailed, and interesting, I have ofered both my own strong opinion on the text, and have surported these ideas with other articles/information. As well as this the colours etc I have used I feel make the blog more appealing, and have stressed specific points etc.. through enlarging words and phrases appropriatly.

Standard od Module 6 blog: 3
I don't feel Ihave contributed as much time and efort int this blog as my module five blog, although I feel the blog is of average standard; I know it has the potential for so much more, therefore I aim to improve this blog as one of goals on the media course.

3 Targets:
Make more consistent postings on blogger
Research topic more intensly
Contribute more consistently within lessons

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bibliography Books...
e.g ...Craig, Steve (1992) : Men, Masculinity and the Media. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Delamont, S(): Changing Women, unchanged men?
Tinkler, Penny(): Constructing Girlhood
Oakley, Ann/ Mitchell, Juliet(): Who's afraid of feminism
Walter, Natacha: On The Movie, Feminism for a new generation
Solomos, John: Racism and society
Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin: Who do we think we are?
Armitage, Ronda: Violence in society, the impact on our lives
Ved, Varma: Violence in children and adolescents
Vail, John/ Hill, Micheal/ Wheelock, Jane: Insecure times, living with insecurity in contemporary society.
Jones, Gerard: Killing Monsters, why children need fantasy, superheros, and make believe violence.
Levy, Ariel: Female chauvinistic pigs, women and the rise of raunch culture
Barham, Nick: Disconected, why our kids are turning their back on everything we thought we knew
Burch, Charlote/ Speed, Bebe: Gender, power, and relationships