Ladette To Lady
Ladette To Lady is a recent ITV series, which began in 2005, the second has just now begun, and features foul mouthed, male thinking females. Who both talk, think, act, and behave similar if not worse then men. Ladette To Lady reflects modern societys behaviour, and represent how the role of women have both changed and evolved significantly in a discouraging manner. This contemporary ITV series, relates closely to my independent study question as it reflects how females are represented within the 21st centruy.; and the representations are far from positive. Within 'Kidulthood' teenage females are represented as both adultrous, drug, and sex obssessed individuals. Therefore LAdette to LAdy represents the representation of females within this tragic drama, as a true representation of our current society.
Within this Ladette TO LAdy series, a group of young females are sent to 'FInishing School' whereby they are expected to learn elegant flower arranging, and how to cook for their husbands. As well as this they are also taught the importance of virginity, and how to remain respectful in an era where sex is disregarded, and undervalued. This programme highlights the drastic changes that have occured from the past to this present era. As well as this it also acts as a secondary source on evaluating if the representation within Kidulthood are true, and enhance our era of youths and the representations portrayed within Kidulthood.
10 WORDS...
Method Acting: a style of acting developed by Konstantin Stanislavsky in his book An Actor Prepares (1936_)
- it involves merging themselves psychologically into the characters they are representing and becomming those characters. The intention is to create the characters psuychologically as well as emotionally.
Kidulthood reflects these actions as the characters are acting out of turn, they are attempting to recreate real life scenarios whereby others lead the life they are acting ad reprewsenting.
Morale PAnic: concept devised by Jocka Young and developed by Stan Cohen to explain the way in which media focus on the baehviour of a social group or an event can inflated ny sensational reporting and the repeated use of stereotypes, leading to public overreaction or panic at a supposed threat to society.
Kidulthood reflects a slight state of morale panic, as teenagers are represented as violent, drug fuelled, and sex obssessed beings, it therefore creates morale panic over teenage pregnancy, and gang violence.
Parrallel action: the narrative technique of showing two or more scenes happening at the same time by cutting between them.
In 'Kidulthood', Trevor is featured running towards the camera in panic, this is cut between with scenes of Alissa, drinking heavily in an alley way. Their behaviour is interpretedated as both depressed, lonely, and scared, as they are withoiut each other.
Point Of View Shot: a camera shot taken from the position of a subject, used to enhance a sense of realism and audience involvement in thre action.
When the girl is being beaten up, a point of view shot is used to allow us to experience the fear and intimidation she encounters on a daily basis.
Post feminism: part of the postmodern perspective which takes the achievements of feminism for granted and views it as ineffective in explaining the current condition of women and the may identity choices they face.
Scopophilia: a term used by Sigmund Freud to desciribe the pleasure of looking.
This 'pleasure of looking' is used within Kidulthood as the boys Moony, Trevor, Jay, are overcome when an attractive young women enters the shop.. they are attracted to any young lady, and the females within this tragic drama, are always portrayed as sex objects.

Within this Ladette TO LAdy series, a group of young females are sent to 'FInishing School' whereby they are expected to learn elegant flower arranging, and how to cook for their husbands. As well as this they are also taught the importance of virginity, and how to remain respectful in an era where sex is disregarded, and undervalued. This programme highlights the drastic changes that have occured from the past to this present era. As well as this it also acts as a secondary source on evaluating if the representation within Kidulthood are true, and enhance our era of youths and the representations portrayed within Kidulthood.
10 WORDS...
Method Acting: a style of acting developed by Konstantin Stanislavsky in his book An Actor Prepares (1936_)
- it involves merging themselves psychologically into the characters they are representing and becomming those characters. The intention is to create the characters psuychologically as well as emotionally.
Kidulthood reflects these actions as the characters are acting out of turn, they are attempting to recreate real life scenarios whereby others lead the life they are acting ad reprewsenting.
Morale PAnic: concept devised by Jocka Young and developed by Stan Cohen to explain the way in which media focus on the baehviour of a social group or an event can inflated ny sensational reporting and the repeated use of stereotypes, leading to public overreaction or panic at a supposed threat to society.
Kidulthood reflects a slight state of morale panic, as teenagers are represented as violent, drug fuelled, and sex obssessed beings, it therefore creates morale panic over teenage pregnancy, and gang violence.
Parrallel action: the narrative technique of showing two or more scenes happening at the same time by cutting between them.
In 'Kidulthood', Trevor is featured running towards the camera in panic, this is cut between with scenes of Alissa, drinking heavily in an alley way. Their behaviour is interpretedated as both depressed, lonely, and scared, as they are withoiut each other.
Point Of View Shot: a camera shot taken from the position of a subject, used to enhance a sense of realism and audience involvement in thre action.
When the girl is being beaten up, a point of view shot is used to allow us to experience the fear and intimidation she encounters on a daily basis.
Post feminism: part of the postmodern perspective which takes the achievements of feminism for granted and views it as ineffective in explaining the current condition of women and the may identity choices they face.
Scopophilia: a term used by Sigmund Freud to desciribe the pleasure of looking.
This 'pleasure of looking' is used within Kidulthood as the boys Moony, Trevor, Jay, are overcome when an attractive young women enters the shop.. they are attracted to any young lady, and the females within this tragic drama, are always portrayed as sex objects.
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