Friday, September 22, 2006

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5 Relevant KEY terms....

Laura Mulvey: British feminist film theorist, and believes women are represented in films as mere sex objects, further portraying a patriachial society ruled y men.

Laura Mulvey is paticularly relevant to my study on Kidulthood, and the representation of teenage girls within the 21st century, as the few girls that do star in this tragic teenage drama are usually engaged in sexual activity throughout the film. The teenagers are portrayed as offering sex in turn for money and drugs.

Verisimilitude: seeming to be like or to be connected to the real.

Versimilitude is also important whilst investigating 'Kidulthood', as the director Menhaj Huda is aiming to portray a realistic reflection of 21st century youths of today. It reflects a different childhood to our own, and instead
raises awareness on some of the bleak futures facing many youngsters today.

Youth Culture: any of a range of youth subcultures from the 1950's through to the present day, including aspects of dress, behaviour, music preferences and relationships.

Within my independent study based on the representation of 21st century teenage girls, I will also be investigating the way they dress, behave, and handle a relationship. I found from exploring these aspects that the females also fulfil the male role to an extent, as the are portrayed as undermining sex, being physcally violent, and even dressing in hoodies and baggy clothing. This could in turn suggest that males influence females to a great extent, thus further indicating a
patriachial 21st century society.

Social Realism:the representation of characters and issues in film and television drama in such a way as to raise serious underlying social and political issues.

'Kidulthood' represents teenagers in a shockingly negative way, the film raises awareness of societies faults, and represents teenagers dysfunctional behaviour due to the pressure of a need for acceptance. 'Kidulthood' represents just some of the underlying issues that need to be addressed within todays society. For example- Bullying, Suicide, Drugs, and sex.

'Male Gaze': term used by Laura Mulvey in her essay 'Visual Pleasures and Narrative cinema' (1975) to describe what she saw as the
male point of view adopted by the camera for the benefit of an assumed male audience.

Alot of sex is shown in 'Kidulthood' and it could be argued that this is shown to
attract a male audience.


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